

Bryan Griffiths now an advisor via the Business Ready Scheme

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If your business is based in the Warwickshire area then you may be eligible for free support as part of the Business Ready Scheme. A scheme which helps innovative businesses access finance and mentoring support is set to continue after a contract award by Warwickshire County Council on behalf of the county’s six local authorities.  […]

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Innovation for Growth Webinar

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The session starts with a definition of Innovation we will firstly examine the definition of innovation and explore which types of business innovation are most relevant to your company. Then using some recent worked examples we will explore how to build the evidence base for your product or service. We can then explore ideas on […]

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The power of listening in micro-business support

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Small businesses, categorised as those with fewer than 50 employees, account for more than 99% of all businesses in the UK, as of 2023. Of those, nearly 75% of the small businesses are sole traders and just over 21% have fewer than 10 employees. That equates to more than 5.5 million businesses in the UK […]

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2024 is expected to be a huge year for AI in healthcare

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It feels like you can’t go more than five minutes these days without someone mentioning AI and its potential applications, benefits and risks to virtually every area of life. OpenAI’s ChatGPT 5 (GPT-5) is expected to launch at some point in 2024, and reputed features include improved reliability, personalisation and communication, along with the ability […]

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What sparks your creativity? 

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American sociologist Ray Oldenburg is known for his theory of ‘third places’. The concept of us having a first place (home), a second place (work) and a third place, where we spend time between the other two places, exchanging ideas, building relationships and, essentially, having a kind of community that is centred around a shared […]

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  I’ve been a fan of the composer Max Richter for some time now. I was particularly fascinated in his piece Sleep – which suggests new ways for music and consciousness to interact, ‘a personal lullaby for a frenetic world…, a manifesto for a slower pace of existence’. It’s a piece that is designed to […]

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Merry Christmas from BG Healthcare

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A year ago, I posted a Christmas message that was fairly typical – we were pleased with the opportunities that arose in 2019 and we were optimistic about 2020. None of us could have imagined the year ahead. I’ve looked back at some of the business magazines/journals which predicted events for 2020 and life seemed […]

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