Unlock the potential of the UK market with our DigiPack

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Utilise the experience of a UK Team to unlock the potential of the UK market for your service or product. This low-risk approach allows you to explore the market and gain vital insight into the key aspects of the introduction of your innovation. A tailored report is prepared for your product/service to support launch plans and product introduction.


Understanding digital healthcare in the UK


  • NHS Background
  • Digital Healthcare: the NHS Long Term Plan, the new NHS Digital department NHSX, Accelerated Access Collaborative, Topol Review, UK Industry Strategy.


How does your product/service fit in the UK Healthcare System?

Broad categories for Digital Health can fall into Tele Healthcare, Mobile Health and Apps, Health Analytics and Digital Health Systems. We will ensure you have the best start to positioning your product/service for the UK Ecosystem. We will provide tailored assistance with:

  • Business Planning
  • Entry Strategies
  • Pricing
  • Evidence Base Requirements
  • Product Fit
  • Regulatory


Review of potential distributors, contacts, key opinion leaders, conferences and trade shows in the UK

Discover the key influencers for your given technology, see how you can connect with vital contacts from our extensive UK network and prepare for crucial UK trade shows and conferences by working with the UK team.


Our DigiPack will make your business fly for a one-off fee of £2,000

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